Fresh Slates & New Starts

3:56 PM

Hello, everyone! This is my first official post on the blog I've been dreaming of creating for a good chunk of my life now. It's not my first blog by any means, but it's the first one that I really feel I have creative freedom over. Ever since I was a kid, I've always acted a little above my age bracket. My mom has always joked that I was a 35 year old woman trapped in the body of a kid, and that stayed true all throughout my teenage years. But when you're young, people only ever look at you as a young person. It took a lot for me to prioritize being a kid over wanting to grow up and live the life I knew I could have. I was so impatient. I had the opposite of a Peter Pan complex, I suppose!

 Entering my 20s, life opened up for me in a way that I never could have dreamed of. Having the freedom & the access to work towards the goals I'd made for myself when I was 11 & 12 is such a gift and a blessing. So, with the creation of this blog, this is the start of where I grow a life that inspires & enriches me even more than it has in the past. This is the start of growing & learning by example and through trial and error. It's for recipe testing, for photos of anything and everything, for life lessons, for friendship, for collaborating, for inspiration and for creating for creation's sake. I hope you enjoy reading along and learning alongside me! It's going to be a great life.

Love always,
Sam x

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